Skittle Monkeys
These jokes and riddles are just for your own entertainment.


Tiger Woods is a cheetah, and he was lion' about it!

What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
Anyone can roast beef, but no one can pee soup.
Never catch snowflakes on your tongue, until all the birds have flown south. 
Three men were on a plane. One man had an apple, one man had a pear, and one man had a bomb. (Dont ask how he got it through airport security.) The first man said "I don't need this apple." So he threw it out the window. The second man said "I don't need this pear." So he threw it out the window. The third man said  "I don't need this bomb." So he threw it out the window. When they landed, The first man found a boy crying. :*( He asked what was wrong. The boy said "The sky doesn't like me. It threw an apple at my head." The second man found a girl crying. :*( He asked what was wrong. The girl said "The sky doesn't like me. It threw a pear at my head." The third man found a boy laughing very hard. :D He asked what was so funny. the boy said "Grandpa farted and the house blew up!" :P


1) What is at the end of the rainbow?


2)What do you call a fish with no eyes?


3) If you know what I am, I am nothing. If you don't know, I am someting. What am I?


4)What goes up, but never comes down?


5) You are riding a horse at 20mph. There is a pig in front of you, an elephant behind you, and a leopard to your left. What is the safest thing to do?

6) A man leaves home running. Then he turns left three times. He arrives back at home, and two masked men are waiting for him. Who are the masked men?
7) Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
8) If you walked as far as possible into the forest, how far would you walk?
9) How many apples can you fit into an empty box?
10) Two people were playing chess. There were no ties, yet they won the same amount of times. how is this possible?

    Do you have any ideas for jokes or riddles?